We know Elvis would have certainly endorsed this fund raising vehicle.
Many of Premier’s clients use this layout for their fund-raising vehicle thereby saving them time and money in addition to generating a higher than average rate of return.
The all-in-one “roundtripper” is a mailed solicitation and marketing communication piece that also comes back to the sender. This cleverly designed piece consists of a four or more panel layout that converts into a multi-panel brochure with a perforated/glued panel that doubles as a return envelope.
The multi-panel brochure folds, is addressed and mailed as a single unit. The attached ‘return envelope panel’ has a peel and seal strip and glued sides that construct the envelope pocket.
The recipient opens the piece (sealed by wafers or fugitive glue) and reads the message. They then can separate the perforated envelope pocket, enclose a donation, peel & seal it closed and mail the now ‘return envelope’ back to the sender.
The organization using this layout saves costs by having only one printed piece that serves as four separate ones. The “round trippers” are effectively taking the place of an outside mailing envelope, a letter, a pledge or donation card and a return envelope. All of these items are rolled up together in one neatly organized printed piece.
If you would like to know more about Premier’s “round trippers” and how they may be able to save you time and money in your fundraising solicitations, please contact us at Premier. We help our clients with all their print and mail work and want to help YOU!!
and as Elvis would say….. “ Thank you …. Thank you very much” !!
Post by Jack Flaherty, you can reach him at jflaherty@premieruplink.com