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Make Print interactive with Augmented Reality

With Pokemon Go leading the rise of Augmented Reality technology it is hard to not become captivated by the AR craze. AR has been around for a short while now but smart phones have made the AR experience more main stream, and because of this many companies and businesses have embraced this new trend. For example, SnapChat can augment a user’s appearance with facial recognition. Printed materials can especially utilize this new technology and give the user a more interactive experience by creating user participation. For printed pieces, you can give your customers personalized experiences that increase brand interaction and ROI across all channels and devices.

Connect through Content and features such as:

Videos and Animation: Add an area in your printed piece that users can scan with their smartphone that will:

Link them to video content designed especially for the printed piece, that will generate interest and engage the user.Create a animation short that will load once scanned

Real-time information: For printed pieces that are selling a product add scan-able areas that will show:

Buy Now options that hover over the selected item area of the printed piece.Give customers a link to your social mediaTake them to a page with more detailed information that wouldn’t easily fit in the print adLet them enroll in an event such as a webinar

2-D overlays: QR Codes are still around and work great for creating an augmented reality experience for users, they can be used to link to:

Link to websites or videosLink to advertisementsUse a QR code in a direct mail piece, business card or postcard to provide a discountDisplay contact information

For more information on how Premier can help you with your printing augmented reality pieces, email us at

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