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Direct Mail Marketing vs. Email Marketing

Updated: Jun 26, 2019

It goes without saying that email is considered a powerful marketing channel. You can reach your target audience with timely cost effective messages quickly, but will your audience open your messages?

Let’s face it, take a look at your email inbox right now, how many of your messages are marketed emails, and how many of those email pieces have you actually opened? Studies show that most companies see average open rates that are below 20%.

Another study showed that 98% of people check their mail every day and that 77% of people sort through their physical mail as soon as they receive it.

Marketers worry that direct mailing pieces will go unread. The likelihood of a direct mailing piece being seen is higher than the likeliness of a targeted email campaign being opened. Mailboxes are tangible objects people have to check so your targeted direct mailing piece will be seen, but are they eye catching to the reader? and will it engage them? Mailing pieces should be variable printed and targeted for each consumer, which will make the mailing piece more personal. Direct mailings should also offer a promotion or discount that has a corresponding code that can track the success rate of the campaign.

Although email campaigns are inexpensive, efficient and can be tracked just as quickly as you can send them, they aren’t practical in the sense that companies are spamming everyone with email which makes it harder for messages to stand out against the clutter. At a minimum, marketers need to consider campaigns that include a combination of email and direct mail. This will provide maximum return on investment and trackable response data.

For more information on how Premier can help you make your printed pieces stand out, email us at

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.”

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